2022 UETN Tech Summit Presentation
Functional Powershell
Learn a few basic PowerShell tricks like sending emails and querying databases.
Time permitting we will discuss how to schedule PowerShell tasks in Windows Task Scheduler.
You can use built-in Windows Powershell ISE (easiest option if Windows) or install Visual Studio Code on your workstation (Windows, Mac, *nix)
(Optional) Install Powershell Core unless you just want to stick with built-in "Windows Powershell"
(If you installed VS Code) Install the Powershell extension in VS Code:
Jonathon English
San Juan School District
Play around:
Command line will generally echo back what you input
"hello" + 4variables start with $ comments start with #
# assign a value to a variable:
$a = 5dir command is actually an alias for Powershell cmdlet get-childitem
$a = dir
$a now holds a collection of objects representing all the files in the current directory
$a = dir -file
will get only the files in the current directory
$a[0] will show you the first item in the collection
$a[0] | get-member will show you the different properties and methods
$a[0].basename will show you just the base file name
$a[0].extension will show you only the file extension
Let's start emailing!
#sometimes this is handy in Windows powershell?
#[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$apikey = 'aa37cc6fd.....e501fd2f30'
$secretkey = ConvertTo-SecureString '...............0' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($apikey,$secretkey)
$sendMailParams = @{
From = 'noreply@w8.net' #if you're going to use above smtp server, address must be from @w8.net
To = 'youremail@yourdomain.org'
Subject = 'Test subject'
Body = 'from the Functional Powershell UETN session. (This body could be html code too if we wanted...)'
SMTPServer = 'in-v3.mailjet.com'
Port = 587
# UseSsl = $true
Credential = $cred
Send-MailMessage @sendMailParams
"check $to to see if message was received."
Let's connect to a database!
$server = 'a-........windows.net'
$dbname = 'summit'
$pwrd = '.......2'
$ConnectionString = ("Server={0};User Id={1};Password={2};Database={3};" -f $server,$username,$pwrd,$dbname)
$sql='SELECT * FROM RegDocMaster'
$dt = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$da = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($Sql,$ConnectionString)
$RecordsAffected = $da.fill($dt)
$dt #this will output the data to the console for us to see
GROUP Assignment
Connect to the database
Retrieve records from RegDocMaster
Loop through them and make sure they're all PDFs
If any are not, let's send an email notification to ourselves.
(admin use only)
$server = 'a-.......windows.net'
$dbname = 'summit'
$pwrd = '.......2'
$ConnectionString = ("Server={0};User Id={1};Password={2};Database={3};" -f $server,$username,$pwrd,$dbname)
$sql='SELECT * FROM RegDocMaster'
$dt = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$da = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($Sql,$ConnectionString)
$RecordsAffected = $da.fill($dt)
#1. check out results
#initialize an array
$a = @()
# 2. loop through results
ForEach ($row in $dt) {
#$row.pdfurl.LastIndexOf('.') #place of last . in the string
#if we were working with files we could use get-item and then access the .extension property, but we're working with urls here so
$ext = $row.PdfUrl.Substring($row.pdfurl.LastIndexOf('.')+1)
if ($ext -ne 'pdf') {
$a += " $($row.Title) ($($row.PdfUrl)) is not a pdf document"
#Body of email
$body = "Hey just wanted to let you know:`n"
#Join our array into a body string
$body += $a -join "`n"
$apikey = 'aa3..........f30'
$secretkey = ConvertTo-SecureString '..........0' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($apikey,$secretkey)
$sendMailParams = @{
From = 'noreply@w8.net' #if you're going to use this smtp server, must be @w8.net
To = 'youremail@yourdomain.com'
Subject = '[System Notification] Guess what?'
Body = $body
SMTPServer = 'in-v3.mailjet.com'
Port = 587
Credential = $cred
Send-MailMessage @sendMailParams
"check $to to see if message was received."